• Turning on Tip Jar

    To turn on the tip jar, go to “Stripe” under settings and click the grey button. This will activate the tip jar and allow others to give you tips. Unless changed, the tip jar should always be active.

  • About my profile page

    To get to your profile page, click on “Profile” under the settings drop down menu on the left side of the screen. Here, you can choose an avatar, a banner, and an alias, which will be displayed to your clients. You can also update your name. You can add your…

  • Connecting Stripe Account

    Once you have fully set up your Stripe account, you can connect it by going to “Settings” and the “Stripe”. Once you are there, click “Add Account” and select the Stripe account you want to link. Finally, you will receive a 6 digit verification code from Stripe that will be…

  • What are the different account Tiers?

    There are several different account tiers with different pricing and features. The first tier, Creator, is free, and allows you to create collections and upload content. Though you can not sell content, you can still build a following and accept tips. Next, there is seller. You receive all the functionality…

  • What can I create with this platform?

    Through skillfull, you have a wide variety of tools you can use to monetize your content. You can accept tips on free content or create a subscription and sell content at a frequency of your choice. You can build courses composed of all different types of media or make a…

  • What is Skillfull?

    Skillfull is an online content sharing platform that allows you to share your passion either for free or as a business. Through skillfull, you can make money doing what you love while keeping more of the profit than you would using similar sites.

  • What is a Subscription?

    A subscription is a way to sell reoccurring content to your customers. Through a subscription, you can offer consistent content to your customers and get paid upfront and in advance. Subscriptions have various lengths and prices that you can set so you can work on your own schedule.

  • What content can I add?

    When creating a collection or course, you can embed links into your content so your clients can use other websites, but only through skillfull. They will not have access to the links. You can also add text or files from your computer. Most file types are accepted. Finally, you can…